Universal test set for hv assets with the ability to evaluate IEC 61850 sampled value
The CPC 100 test system performs closed loop testing whereby a test signal is injected on the primary side of the current / voltage sensors. The MU converts the sensor output into a SV stream which is published to the substation network. The CPC 100 then reads the data back from the network to perform a variety of different tests.
Automatic MU and channel detection is achieved by injecting a test signal with a specific wave form. An optimized and time-effective algorithm searches for the unique test pattern within all the available MUs on the network to identify the correct channel for testing.
The CPC 100’s SV test card operates according to the “Implementation Guideline for Digital Interface to Instrumental Transformers using IEC 61850-9-2” published by the UCA International User Group.
Sampled Values testing.
- SV CT ratio test and polarity check up to 800 A or up to 2 000 A , 5 kVA output power | with the CP CB2
- SV VT ratio test and polarity check up to 2 kVAC
- Automatic MU detection
- Automatic voltage / current channel detection
- Frequency selective voltage / current meter
- Noise level measurement
- Amplitude response of the signal processing chain up to 800 A or up to 2 kVAC | frequency from 15 Hz to 400 Hz
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