SF6 Smart Filling & Topping up system
Smartfill provides a simple, efficient, zero emission alternative to manual filling and top-up of SF6 compartments.
Filling of newly installed SF6 assets and refilling of in-service assets can be achieved automatically during live energised operations.
Topping up leaking or damaged SF6 assets can also be completed without an engineer.
Designed to accurately measure, control and monitor SF6 gas passing through the network, this smart solution delivers compliant measurement of SF6 inventory and usage with complete traceability
Key features:
- Portable and fully automated operation
- Easy to use
- Simple operation via set parameters
- Accurate filling precision utilising mass flow technology
- No leakage…. No wastage
- Automatic datalogging for usage transparency and audit
- Smart weigh option for integrated weighing scales
- Wi-Fi connectivity for safe distance/ remote operation
- Variable flow rates for application specific control
The filling up and topping of SF6 compartments can use large volumes of gas over an extended time period creating potential issues such as:
- Safety of people
- Time and resource
- Line freezing
- Repeatability of filling quality
- Arc Flashover
- Cost & downtime
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